Thursday, September 4, 2008
taken from anis amirah a.k.a hana..huhu
Andai engkau belum berkahwin,jangan kau risau akan jodohmu,ingatlah hawa,janji Tuhan kita,wanita yang baik adalah untuk lelaki yang baik.Jangan dimulakan sebuah pertemuan dengan lelaki yang bukan muhrim kerana aku khuatir dari mata jatuh ke hati,maka lahirnya senyuman maka tercetusnya salam dan sekaligus disusuli dengan pertemuan seterusnya dan takut lahirnya nafsu kejahatan yang menguasai diri.
Lelaki yang baik tida melihat paras rupa,lelaki yang soleh tidak memilih wanita melalui keseksiannya,lelaki yang warak tidak menilaiwanita melalui keayuannya,kemanjaannya,serta kemampuannya menggoncang iman lelaki.Tetapi,lelaki yang baik akan menilai wanita melalui akhlaknya,peribadinya dan yang penting pegangan agamanya.
Lelaki yang baik juga tidak menginginkan pertemuan dengan wanita yang bukan muhrimnya kerana dia takut memberi kesempatan kepada syaitan untuk menggodanya.Lelaki yang warak juga tidak mahu bermain cinta kerana dia tahu apa matlamat dalam sebuah pertemuan lelaki dan wanita yakni sebuah perkahwinan....
Oleh itu hawa,jagalah pandanganmu,awasilah auratmu,peliharalah akhlakmu,kuatkanlah pendirianmu.Andai ditakdirkan tiada cinta dariapada Adam untukmu,cukuplah hanya cinta Allah yang memenuhi dan menyinari kekosongan jiwamu,biarlah cinta ibua bapamu yang memberi hangat kebahagian buat dirimu,cukuplah sekadar cinta adik-beradik serta keluarga yang membahagiakanmu.....Cintailah Allah dikala susah dan senang kerana kau akan memperolehi cinta daripada insan yang juga mencintai Allah.Cintilah ibu bapamu kerana kau akan perolehi keredhaan Allah.Cintailah keluargamu kerana kau tidak akan jumpa cinta yang bahagia selain dari cinta keluarga......
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Shahputra,,,tiada tandingan...
Ble dok umah ny bru rse btapa boringnye..huhu.kt kuantan tuh boring gak,,,tp ad mmbe…hu3. ye r,,, kt umah ny all my sisters in skool, abah working,, mama jew ad kt umah..nk ajak mmbe kuar, sme bz,,diowg pon ngah study gak kn…guess I’ve got to get used of it..lgpown I haf only lyke less than 3 weeks to spend my tyme wisely wif my family.pasny,,I’ll b missing my days kt umah gak..huhu…
It seems dat we will nvr b satisfy,,,nop dat is not the right word,,,we will nvr b grateful wif wat we haf..wif wat allah gives to us..ble kt kuantan,,,rse nk blk umah,, ble kt umah,, rse nk dok kuantan lak..haha.but then,, my days in kuantan is something else…it’s lyke all of us r actually doing nuthin,,,lyke njoying ourselves,,,but at the same time,,all of us r actually learning sumthing,,,without even realizing it…
We all get to noe each other, learn Arabic..haha..get to njoy b4 stuggling in medicine books,,,which is x lme things dat we nvr actually…sgt bst…when I come to think about it,,dis cud b the bst tyme of my life…or not…mayb the best is yet to come..but wat I’m trying to say here is,,,pengalamn kt shahputra gives me nafas yg bru..lyke a new chapter of my lyfe is unfolding..n shahputra is just the beginning..high skool da lme mninggalkn diri ku,.,huhu..i’m a big girl now..haha.
So here it is..a tribute to shahputra,,,,,
My 1st impression of shahputra,, it will b boring,,ye r,,kuantan jew,,ap la yg ad kt cny,,,(owg kuantn jgn mara).,,I already planned dat evry week I will come bck to kl n0 mtter wat..but then,,,during 1st briefing ustad nazri ckp kt0wg x leh blk spnjg kursus kt cny..i was lyke NO!!!!!! Luckily I’ve got my dentist appointment (cheers for my braces..Yay!) huhu…
But,,,duk kt kuantan ny is not dat bad..although things r quite xpensive here,,the ppl r great…mcm pak guard,,pak cik bas …(abg nas)haha…ayah su, mak cik jual mknn kt umah k.syida tuh..ermmm…spe age ek…owh,,abg yg bg air free tuh..huhu..sme r..abg nurse, akak nurse,…haha…
Anyway,,,byk glew aktvti yg cmbst kt ctu..i rlly njoy it though sumtymes it’s a bit unnecessary..ha3..
Criusly,,at 1st I dunno why they asked us to go to dis silly camp..but when I went there it’s not dat bad..agak mnyrnokkn…although ad byk discussion bout politics, gvrnment, country, patriotism,,,etc…dy ad gak aktvti laen yg abceiling..huhu..i’ m a bit gayat…x pndg bwh pon…evrytyme I was lyke asking dat fasci am I done or not..hu3.but kjre ok r tuh,,one of us nanges..haha..
Pstu kteowg wat chickn dance+poco2..tringt lak tyme kt um dlu…rindu plk..hu3.ermm ap ag r kte wat..aah…jungle trekking..well, sort of..i fell…but it’s ok..ble ag nk jtuh kn..ha3. kteowg kne lari 2 km gak…doi,,it’s not my xpertise…criusly,I dun rlly lyke it…I’m just not into it..
Wateva it is, mmg bst r,,dpt mkn ssme, baca doa,, tyme tu b’day areqa gak..haha.lep jew smbt kt dlm dorm tgh hutan..mandi plak sejuk glew..i was freezing lyke mad…da r kne bgun pg..doi..byk yg ktowg dpt kt sne, lbey brsmangt tok brbakti tok ngara…haha.tgk r brape lme smgt tu akn kekal..biase r..mlayu kn mudah lupa,,dat’s why we haf to keep on reminding each othr..
Ha3.klakr tol..futsal,,da lme x maen..n then ttbe kne represent college lak..come on r..we r fture doctors..u cnnot xpect so mch from us…but we manage to score, we r quite proud of our teams..prctice pon cm maen2..but it’s fun.
Waa… n areqa were in kl when all of them were having fun there..i heard dat it was a real fun there.diowg barbeque, the boys mandi manda di pnti,,gals r …x tau r..lyn angau kowt..haha..taking pics…tourd played the guitar n sweet..
rugi tol I was not there..but then it’s ok,, I manage gak tok g pnti kuantan,..tyme tu kt swiss garden..anis + areqa went to pnti without telling me…although they noe I was dying to go there..xpe2…sabo je r..haha..but I still manage to go there wif diba n in..which then ktowg jmpe fikri + bob..klu x silap yim pon ad gak..bst2…I rlly luf beach!..
mlm pas dinner pon I went to pnti gak..amirul ajk stelah ak sweet of mirul.thanks! jmpe tourd ngn bob..
Haha..can’t believe it..mmg bst..not lyke wat I expcted..lagi bst drpd kosert gig..criusly…at list they are making music..bkn ad rabbani jew,,ad mcm2 artis nasyid which I’m not vry familiar raihan, hijjaz, bienda…the bst was aisya…she sang andai ku tahu..mmg bst sore dy..dat nyte was also my b’, dyowg sang for me sanah helwah dlm bas on the way nk blk umah..thnks guys..rlly appreciate it!
Cud the bst nyte eva…wlupon not dat vogue n byk complications b4 dat..evrything stil goes according to plan..i was the usherer…along wif areqa, mirul n aliff. The food cm western sket n I’m not vry fond of it but layan r…but yg plg bst is the performance…ha3..the drama team..u guys the bst..crius tyme shauqi gado ngn bob gado,,it was lyke so real..ustad da nk leraikn da prgadohan last,,, ustad plak yg trtipoo stlh slalu mnipu kt owg..
The PGD..haha..pre gedik dolls..kowg pon bst glew..kadir,, crius klaka..x leh bla tol..poems also went well..sabrina sgt lmbut..furqan,, I dun undrstnd sgt..syuwayah2 jew..azriq..haha..hang mmg baguih la..
Ap ag r..ha...nynyian iqbal + mirul..dan- Sheila on 7 dbntu oleh tourd dan gitarny..huhu..sgt sweet..kowg mmg for dat nite also mmg happning..tyra+ akmal..evryone was great dat nyte..rlly njoy it..harap2 dpt bkrjasama lg dgn kowg pd mase akn dtg..
So..u c,,,wlupon it’s only for 2 mnths…byk yg ktowg’s not sch a waste of tyme actually..there’s alwys a reason why allah put us in any situation..i rlly believe in dat..
Byk ag yg bst kt sne,,contohny klas ustd hazwan..haha..loghat kedah dy sgt pekat, mr pritam…huhu..miss hind our iraqian lecturer..gorgeous glew…gosh, I’m gonna miss them a lott..
My housemates,,u guys the bst! Ha3..wlupon xde air aritu,, kte dpt mnmpuhiny brsama..ha3..n to anis, areqa, in, falah, diba..sowi glew sbb slalu lmbt..wat kowg slalu mnunggu,,pstu slalu trlpas bas,,,tp xpe kn..ak leh cawl abg nas..haha.. n to in,,thanks for the fon,,rlly aprciate ble ko amk fon ak tuh..bru la ak bule blaja hargai ap yg ak ad,,,hope dat I won’t b careless anymore..glew glabah r tyme fon ilang..haha.hope dat our fwenship kekal smpi ke mesir t..n forever n eva..insyaallah..
So guys,, pasny x leh ponteng class ag, x leh slalu tgk wayang..( kt sne x tau r cinema dy cmne)..ermm..we gotta chnge r nmpkny..but for 6 yrs,..i’m sure we’re gonna make it..t ble blk Malaysia,, we all r gonna b doctors,, islamic doctors…insyaallah! Ameen..
Monday, September 1, 2008
ayat-ayat cinta...
anyway dat movie is something..ctiusly...mayb sbb i will b going to egypt n dy pny bckground pon kt sne,,,so , impact dy sgt list, towards me...
ble tgk cter tu it gives me a rough idea on wat i'll b facing there..i mean rite now i'm clueless...i noe nuthing bout wat i'll be doing+facing in egypt....
mama cud b rite. i mean she's right.definitely. u'll nvr now wat it will b until u're in dat condition..
rite now i've got lyke less than 3 weeks to prepare..n i dunno wat i'm preparing for..
bebalik pd cter td....i'm also excited..a lil bit r..i'll be living in a ttly dfferent envrnment for 6 yrs...allah noes wat will hppen..wateva it is, i hope it will goes well..insyaallah..
cter ayat2 cinta tu basically it's a luf story lor..but the islam way..vry touching, vry deep....those yg x tgk ag baek tgk r..esp those yg nk fly ke egypt.huhu. it's ermm....sort of a preparation lor...kind of..