Monday, September 28, 2009


bye bye pink pink.

i'll be missing you like mad.

i know she'll take good care of you.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

selamat hari raya aidilfitri. :)

after lots of hardworks doing chores and kuih raya, watsoever,,,,raya is finally here.

and the best part is, i can celebrate it with family and friends right here, in Malaysia.

and maaf zahir dan batin.

P/s: jemput lah dtg umah or kampung. :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


tr baca post kat blog kader. respect glew org arab ni. haihh. rndu la plak kn.

anyway, tnjuk the pictures kat abah.

abah ckp;

"ala, kat malaysia ni pon penuh jugak smpi sejuta orang bila dah malam 7 liku ni"

and i was like;

"betul ke bah? wah hebat gak malaysia ni"

pstu abah ckp;

"ye lah. kat jalan tunku abdul rahman tu mmg dkat nk sejuta owg gak yg shopping"


cam perli pon ade gak. :P

Thursday, September 10, 2009

the littlest things in life.

and yes.
i'm grateful.


p/s: len kali klu nk wat penipuan jgn call ak time ak mamai. sbb sumpah ak x paham. (oops, ak ckp sumpah. mind ur language hur :P)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

jon and kate plus 8

who are they?

they are one big family. jon is a korean american. married to kate. having twins when they were 23 and sextuplets at the age of 27. i repeat SEXTUPLETS. as in 6 babies. same age. same time.

diowg ni ade reality tv show kat astro travel home and living channel. since i'm now a temporary housewife, sambil2 buat kuih raya tu, trpaksa la tgk rncangan tv mama kn. it's mama's favourite tv show. because the sextuplets are so cute and adorable. basically the show is about how this couple raise their kids. having 8 kids at one go is not an easy job at all.

since i am so outdated. this show dah dtayangkn lama dah. sblum g egypt lagi. tp skng bru tau. i really respect this couple. ye la. they are very young, and somehow, they can manage all their kids. the couple is not working btw. they depend on the money they got from the reality tv show.
so, there i was respect la konon. like, wah, hebat la dyowg ni. orang laen anak sowg pon susah nk jaga. ni kan owg yg ad 8 owg anak. da lah tu ad 6 kembar plak tu. cmne la agknye dy tukar lampin mse diowg baby dulu.

but then, suddenly mama told me just now that jon and kate divorced already. and i was like, "What?"
"dah cerai dah"

mama ckp, they probably stressed out. they were very tired. with the kids and all. and so, ble da cmtu, mcm2 problem timbul la kn.

Tiba-tiba, hilang plak respect tu. imagine, diowg dah cerai. x kesa la psl diowg kan. but how about their kids? they are victims for sure. and i thought they are the happiest family.
After all they'd been through, raising the kids and all, going through thick and thin together, suddenly they want to divorce. separate. as in, i go my way, u do the same.

Maybe it's not their fault. Maybe they are not meant for each other. Maybe it's fated. They did try to work it out. But i guess, not everything can go according to our plan.

i still like the tv show anyway. it just shows that having a family is seriously, definitely is not as easy as ABC. you need to work together, understand and tolerate , accepting each other's flaws and definitely trust each other. and yes, maybe mula2 kawen, sume cam bahagia je. but then, when you have kids, and lots of problems datang, x kre la financially ke, ataupun ada kehadiran orang ketiga, then suddenly, kasih sayang tu dah mula teruji. and of course, the only thing that can keep the love strong is our iman. and kesabaran for sure.

p/s: credits to our parents yg masih lagi kekal perkahwinan mereka smpi ke anak cucu insyaAllah. Dan juge kpada sesiapa yg anak ramai tu. mmg salute la. Both of my grandmothers are super women kott. and juga kepada parents in. suka sgt bila in cerita psl adik bradik dy yg 9 owg tu. haihh, knape anak mama 4 owg je... :P

Sunday, September 6, 2009

who are we going to trust?

talking about changing the nation, changing the WORLD.
better to change ourselves first, and the ones we love.

p/s: jgn terlalu percaya kt org. get to know them 1st, before going serious with them.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Semoga Semuanya Selamat. InsyaAllah.

Bukak facebook tadi, tiba-tiba terpandang pada updates section mate, Ismah Mansurah.

Rupa-rupanya ayah dia masuk ICU. Ada blood clot kalau tak silap. Ammar ada inform kat ym semua orang.

Memang Allah nak duga Ismah and family pada bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ni. Mesti ada hikmah di sebalik setiap apa yang terjadi. believe in dat 110%. Bertambah lah pahala Ismah sekeluarga. InsyaAllah.

Bila tengok gambar yang Ismah upload tu. Rasa sebak pon ada. (emo dah datang). Sangat memahami apa yang dia rasa sekarang. Melihat ayah kita, tunggak keluarga, yang sebelum ni sihat, tegap, dan sasa, menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai ketua keluarga tanpa mengeluh. Sekarang ni terlantar tidak bermaya atas katil.

Macam abah dulu, masa mula-mula sampai ke Malysia, abah dah kat hospital. Abah's condition was not as serious as Ismah's dad. Masa tu pon da risau. Ini kan Ismah. Allah je la tahu apa yang dia lalui.

It's a reminder to everyone sebenarnya. Including myself of course. Berapa lama je parents kita akan hidup sebenarnya. Harap-harap cukup lama la untuk diorang sempat tengok anak cucu cicit. InsyaAllah. Tapi tu tidak pasti semestinya. Yang muda, sihat walafiat pon boleh meninggal tiba-tiba. Ni kan parents kita yang dah meningkat umurnya. Ajal dan maut tu pon bila2 boleh datang jemput kita. Sebab tu la, kita kena hargai mereka sementara diowg ada. jangan kita menyesal pada waktu yg akn dtg.

Kita pon dah tak de banyak masa da. Sekarang ni da bulan 9. bulan 10 da kene balik egypt. Ada 1 bulan je lagi. Bagi yang repeat paper, lagi x byk masa. Lepas raya, terus dah kene balik da. Spend the remaining days wisely with the ones we really love. Let them know, that we really, really, really love them.

Walaupun kadang-kadang ada sdikit salah paham, terjerit-jerit ke, kene bebel ke.
Atau kadang-kadang diowg sedikit memaksa, x bagi permission for this and that.
And in some circumtances, diowg 'ter'angkat tangan kat kita. since that's the only way to make us understand kott.

They are parents. These are what they do.

Memang la, kadang2 diowg salah. Tapi most of the time they are right.
And so what if most of the time diowg salah.
They are not perfect, And so are we.

remember one thing. We are so lucky to still have them in our lives. There are lots of our friends, yg dah xde da parents.

Since result pon dah kuar, tahniah kepada sesiapa yang result dia cemerlang. I'm so happy for u guys and girls. You guys did a good job well done.

And to those yang kene balik awal, don't worry, u're not a failure. Allah memang nak uji masa bulan ramadhan ni. nak tengok iman kita kuat ke tak menghadapinya. nak test kita ni menerima dgn baik atau sebaliknya. Sedih xpe, it's normal la. xkan nak gembira plak kan. but then, life has to go on.

kite jatuh, kita bangun balik. kita sambung lari. kalau jatuh lagi, bangun lagi, kita sambung lari lagi. yang kita takut orang yang jatuh pastu dah x nak bangun balik. yes. never give up. as long as we don't give up, InsyaAllah, we will find a way to reach our destination somehow. To be GREAT muslim doctors. Amin.

Macam quote yang Farhana Zakaria pernah bagi masa gala night ksp aritu " Yakin dgn diri sendiri, Yakin dgn kasih sayang Ilahi" It really keeps me going. Thanks Farhana. Or should i say thanks Farhanas. since Farhana Mohammad juga banyak menolong. walaupun result ku bukan lah untuk dibanggakan, tapi alhamdulillah. Kene work hard lagi.

Kepada Ismah dan keluarga, semoga tabah menghadapi dugaan ni. Doakan yang terbaik. Hanya Allah je yg dpat tolong masa ni. Amin