Thursday, October 29, 2009

screw you, i like you.

one block down. another 2 to go.
make it 5 for the whole year.

but yes, i'm kinda like 2nd year more :)

owh, mama. hur still xde trnet.
nak email, but dunno wat to say.
i guess chatting is our best way of communicating.
you know, like 1 to 1.

and our mama kat sini cakap, intrnet akn ad nxt week.
i guess i have to wait n see.

p/s: we're in mcd. dsperate for trnet, seriously got pbl n histo's assignmnts. haihh.

roger and out,
missing you always,
hur azmi. :)


  1. setelah sekian lme, akhrny ko berblogging.. haha!!

  2. Abu: gigi lama. Susunan bru ares:xde tenet. Xde crite juge maiya:it's n0t my fault. She kept on telling me next week.kak hur hanya mnyampaikn je

  3. ni mama tau.
    mama lpe password blogger mama.
    so mama pnjm su nye account.
    ape mksud screw u i like u tu?

  4. mama ni. hur ingt kot password mama. btw, screw u, i like you tu is one of the quote in a movie. in ske sgt ngn quote tu. huhu

  5. heeee.. :">
    hur mntion nama aku kat mama
    malu :">
