just a very good cerpen, that i think, us, muslim youngsters should read.
to have a very strong faith in Him, is not a piece of cake especially living in a world where pseudo-happiness happens, everytime. so, dont be fool you people.
oh, and no. bukan kisah cinta yang saya ingin emphasize on. there's a whole lot more than that in this cerpen. lots and lots to relate on. :)
another outstanding masterpiece from Hilal Asyraf. *clap clap*
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
best thing. that ever happened.
i participated in a motivation talk organised by cik waney sayang.
ye, saya kakak fasci. (cmtu ke eja? kot)
so there i was, in the middle of these young high schoolers.
so young,
so hopeful,
so ignorant.
and yes. reminiscing my high school days. especially when they asked me several questions, yang menyingkap sejarah silam engkau dan aku. eceh.
ok2. aku je. takde engkau. huhu.
#1 akak penah fail tak?
#2 akak makan maggi tak?
#3 akak minum air gas?
#4 akak mmg nak jd doktor ke?
#5 akak aktif ko-kurikulum ke?
#6 akak straight A1 ke dulu? (errrrrr................)
ye, saya tergelak. saya bukan la pelajar contoh sgt. of course saya cerita yg indah2. takde nak cerita yang saya pegi pecahkan pintu gate asrama sebab bengang dengan ldp (pengawas). lalala~
dan macam2 lagi kisah nakal, yang baru2 ni, adik saya yang tak reti jaga mulut, pegi cerita kat parents saya, apa saya buat masa zaman saya satu sekolah ngan dia. hishh, nak kene najah ni.
pastu parents saya cakap "ohh, itu keje kakhur masa kat sekolah dulu ye"
kantoiiiiiii... :p
ustaz kkq terjerit-jerit dari bawah dorm "hur azmi!!!! sila ke kelas quran saya sekarang!!"
cikgu karate carik saya sampai dewan makan "amboi, tengok hindustan ye. saya pun tak tengok"
(cikgu karate ialah seseorang yang berbangsa india)
just now, masa motivational talk tadi, bukan mereka sahaja yg dapat input. saya pun. i remember one of us ckp td
"being offered to egypt, could be the best thing that ever happened to me"
betul. saya sgt setuju. sangat terharu.
my spm results, was not even straight a's. satu sangkut. chemistry. sebuah subjek yg saya tidak disangka-sangkakan. malah, cikgu rozaki (cikgu chemistry saya pada waktu itu) pernah berkata,
"saya tahu, awak, tiada masalah dalam memperolehi a dalam subjek saya" cewah.
selepas exam tersebut pun, saya tak berasa risau. malah, jika ada subjek yang saya tak dapat a, saya tahu, bukan chemistry. mungkin addmaths. ye, addmaths barangkali.
saya terima result spm melalui telefon. kerana muar tersangat la jauh, huhu, saya tak sempat nak sampai muar, mak saya tak sabar nak tahu, dia dah call cikgu dulu.
cikgu sebut satu2. biology- A1, physics-A2
alaaaa.. ada A2...
yg len2, sume A, alhamdulillah.
bila dia cakap chemistry, "ha, ni a jugak ni. paling kureng A2 la.."
amik ko. "chemistry B3"
masa tu tak rasa apa2. cikgu ni baca salah kot. ada harapan lagi ni. sampai muar. aduhai. ye la. mmg B3. masa tu la baru terasa.
"ala, kenapa satu slack."
"ala, cacat la kertas slip peperiksaan ni."
"hishh, sikit lagi nak straight a's. klu tak mesti dpt offer ireland." (hehh. perasan)
-kata2 org2 yang tak bersyukur. astaghfirullah-
i remember, the day i went to putrajaya, to recheck my chemistry paper. i know, something is wrong somewhere. to get a B3, is just not right.
dah siap isi borang sume. ingat lagi, time tu jumpa acap muar. dia pun senasib. kami, pelajar2 chemistry B3 yg perasan sebenarnya kami ni score A. hehe.
pastu, i realised that, it is fated. there's no point. because, having a B3 , does not make a lot of difference.
eh, wait, they do make a very big difference. i was rejected for my mara's interview. JPA lagi tak pandang. masa tu berharap sangat nak ke ireland, saya nak jadi doc graduated from ireland. aussie pun boleh la.. indon tak maw. egypt? TAK MAUUUUU!!!
akhirnya, satu pun tak dpt. tula, org tamak selalu rugi. maybe, i have high expectations on myself. maybe, i was too ambitious. or maybe, eh, definitely, this, is the best for me.
alhamdulillah, saya di offerkan ke UM. mmg target taknk masuk matrik. (tengok, sombong lagi. apa la nak jadi). masa tu dah sangat determine. 4 flat. ye, saya kene dapat 4 flat je. there's no other way. if i want to take medicine, i have to obtain 4 flat. ye, berkobar-kobar. maka di UM, mungkin zaman saya paling rajin. duduk paling depan sekali. berebut tmpt dgn budak2 lelaki. duduk sebelah diorang pun takpe. niat saya nak belajar. nak 4 flat. nak jadi doktor. boyfriend? tak layan. enjoy? i takde masa. fuhh, semangat.
sebulan je pun kat UM, boleh la semangat.
time tu jugak la, saya rapat dgn kakak2 usrah. saya selalu pegi surau kat UM tu utk berjemaah. kenal2 kakak2 medik. diorang pun selalu bagi tazkirah. bagi hadith sket2. joging2 dgn diorang sambil kaitkan dgn ayat al-quran. kadang2, diorang share experiences as medical students in malaysia. mungkin pada waktu itu, saya dah laen sikit la kot.
As soon as i was adapted by the UM's surrounding, dah ada geng, dah kayak2, lecturer pun best2, tiba-tiba, pada suatu hari yang biasa:
"hur, ada org mara tepon ni. dia kata, ada interview. hur nak pegi tak?"
"eh, bukan hur dah kene reject ke?"
"ntah, dia kata, dtg interview. jumaat ni. nanti abah dtg ambik hur la. nak pegi tak?"
"hrmm, try je la. klu ada, ada la. takde pun, takpe. "
pum pang, pum pang, dapat la ke egypt. 2nd intake, and hari sabtu tu, jugak la, dia nak suruh daftar kat kuantan.
mula2, mama dah cakap. takyah la egypt. jauh beno. dekat ngn palestine tu. israel sume.
ada a few aunties and uncles ckp gak. but then, i think, it was my destiny.
tapi masalahnya, kuantan tu, aduh mak. 3 bulan. jauh lagi dgn family. dah la dulu dah puas berjauhan masa kat muar. dok kat UM best. kadang2 abah balik kerja, teman hur minum teh tarik dekat kolej 12 tuh. :)
but then yes, in the end, i've made it through. and KSP turns out to be my best honeymoon ever. before my REAL honeymoon nanti la. hehehe.
and yes, egypt, is the best thing that ever happened to me.
i was taught to be
takde manja, ngade2, tak-mau-susah punya orang,
a little bit sensible, but still full of emotion,
insyaAllah, by the end of my 6th year, i'll be more sensible than emotional. amin.
and i met lots and lots of wonderful people there. :)
mama once quoted :
"enjoy your campus life. it's the best stage in someone's life"
oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i'm enjoying it alhamdulillah.
and in the end, i've learned to be moderate in whatever you do. you can always have high expectations and ambition, but if YOU don't meet your demands, then just let it go. it's meant to be. and you'll find out that, the things you hate most at first, will eventually be something that you really treasure for life. :)
and i know i have a long way to go. and every steps of the way will teach me how to be a better khalifah., insyaAllah. because, orang selalu cakap, "hur ni baik laaa... auww..." well, you dont want to know about my past. but then again, a past, is a past. not something to dwell on so much. just something to look upon, for future references.
terima kasih adik2 smk putrajaya 1, presint 8. all the best in your future undertaking,
terima kasih juga kepada waney and the geng, kerana sudi menjemput saya menjadi sebahagian dari program ini. eceh.
p/s: bila fikir balik, once dah dapat medik ni, rasa macam take things for granted la plak. dulu, kemain lagi, nak 4 flat la, apa kejadah sume. sekarang ni, mentang2 dah mmg amik medik. haiyo hur, work harder. :P
ye, saya kakak fasci. (cmtu ke eja? kot)
so there i was, in the middle of these young high schoolers.
so young,
so hopeful,
so ignorant.
and yes. reminiscing my high school days. especially when they asked me several questions, yang menyingkap sejarah silam engkau dan aku. eceh.
ok2. aku je. takde engkau. huhu.
#1 akak penah fail tak?
#2 akak makan maggi tak?
#3 akak minum air gas?
#4 akak mmg nak jd doktor ke?
#5 akak aktif ko-kurikulum ke?
#6 akak straight A1 ke dulu? (errrrrr................)
ye, saya tergelak. saya bukan la pelajar contoh sgt. of course saya cerita yg indah2. takde nak cerita yang saya pegi pecahkan pintu gate asrama sebab bengang dengan ldp (pengawas). lalala~
dan macam2 lagi kisah nakal, yang baru2 ni, adik saya yang tak reti jaga mulut, pegi cerita kat parents saya, apa saya buat masa zaman saya satu sekolah ngan dia. hishh, nak kene najah ni.
pastu parents saya cakap "ohh, itu keje kakhur masa kat sekolah dulu ye"
kantoiiiiiii... :p
ustaz kkq terjerit-jerit dari bawah dorm "hur azmi!!!! sila ke kelas quran saya sekarang!!"
cikgu karate carik saya sampai dewan makan "amboi, tengok hindustan ye. saya pun tak tengok"
(cikgu karate ialah seseorang yang berbangsa india)
just now, masa motivational talk tadi, bukan mereka sahaja yg dapat input. saya pun. i remember one of us ckp td
"being offered to egypt, could be the best thing that ever happened to me"
betul. saya sgt setuju. sangat terharu.
my spm results, was not even straight a's. satu sangkut. chemistry. sebuah subjek yg saya tidak disangka-sangkakan. malah, cikgu rozaki (cikgu chemistry saya pada waktu itu) pernah berkata,
"saya tahu, awak, tiada masalah dalam memperolehi a dalam subjek saya" cewah.
selepas exam tersebut pun, saya tak berasa risau. malah, jika ada subjek yang saya tak dapat a, saya tahu, bukan chemistry. mungkin addmaths. ye, addmaths barangkali.
saya terima result spm melalui telefon. kerana muar tersangat la jauh, huhu, saya tak sempat nak sampai muar, mak saya tak sabar nak tahu, dia dah call cikgu dulu.
cikgu sebut satu2. biology- A1, physics-A2
alaaaa.. ada A2...
yg len2, sume A, alhamdulillah.
bila dia cakap chemistry, "ha, ni a jugak ni. paling kureng A2 la.."
amik ko. "chemistry B3"
masa tu tak rasa apa2. cikgu ni baca salah kot. ada harapan lagi ni. sampai muar. aduhai. ye la. mmg B3. masa tu la baru terasa.
"ala, kenapa satu slack."
"ala, cacat la kertas slip peperiksaan ni."
"hishh, sikit lagi nak straight a's. klu tak mesti dpt offer ireland." (hehh. perasan)
-kata2 org2 yang tak bersyukur. astaghfirullah-
i remember, the day i went to putrajaya, to recheck my chemistry paper. i know, something is wrong somewhere. to get a B3, is just not right.
dah siap isi borang sume. ingat lagi, time tu jumpa acap muar. dia pun senasib. kami, pelajar2 chemistry B3 yg perasan sebenarnya kami ni score A. hehe.
pastu, i realised that, it is fated. there's no point. because, having a B3 , does not make a lot of difference.
eh, wait, they do make a very big difference. i was rejected for my mara's interview. JPA lagi tak pandang. masa tu berharap sangat nak ke ireland, saya nak jadi doc graduated from ireland. aussie pun boleh la.. indon tak maw. egypt? TAK MAUUUUU!!!
akhirnya, satu pun tak dpt. tula, org tamak selalu rugi. maybe, i have high expectations on myself. maybe, i was too ambitious. or maybe, eh, definitely, this, is the best for me.
alhamdulillah, saya di offerkan ke UM. mmg target taknk masuk matrik. (tengok, sombong lagi. apa la nak jadi). masa tu dah sangat determine. 4 flat. ye, saya kene dapat 4 flat je. there's no other way. if i want to take medicine, i have to obtain 4 flat. ye, berkobar-kobar. maka di UM, mungkin zaman saya paling rajin. duduk paling depan sekali. berebut tmpt dgn budak2 lelaki. duduk sebelah diorang pun takpe. niat saya nak belajar. nak 4 flat. nak jadi doktor. boyfriend? tak layan. enjoy? i takde masa. fuhh, semangat.
sebulan je pun kat UM, boleh la semangat.
time tu jugak la, saya rapat dgn kakak2 usrah. saya selalu pegi surau kat UM tu utk berjemaah. kenal2 kakak2 medik. diorang pun selalu bagi tazkirah. bagi hadith sket2. joging2 dgn diorang sambil kaitkan dgn ayat al-quran. kadang2, diorang share experiences as medical students in malaysia. mungkin pada waktu itu, saya dah laen sikit la kot.
As soon as i was adapted by the UM's surrounding, dah ada geng, dah kayak2, lecturer pun best2, tiba-tiba, pada suatu hari yang biasa:
"hur, ada org mara tepon ni. dia kata, ada interview. hur nak pegi tak?"
"eh, bukan hur dah kene reject ke?"
"ntah, dia kata, dtg interview. jumaat ni. nanti abah dtg ambik hur la. nak pegi tak?"
"hrmm, try je la. klu ada, ada la. takde pun, takpe. "
pum pang, pum pang, dapat la ke egypt. 2nd intake, and hari sabtu tu, jugak la, dia nak suruh daftar kat kuantan.
mula2, mama dah cakap. takyah la egypt. jauh beno. dekat ngn palestine tu. israel sume.
ada a few aunties and uncles ckp gak. but then, i think, it was my destiny.
tapi masalahnya, kuantan tu, aduh mak. 3 bulan. jauh lagi dgn family. dah la dulu dah puas berjauhan masa kat muar. dok kat UM best. kadang2 abah balik kerja, teman hur minum teh tarik dekat kolej 12 tuh. :)
but then yes, in the end, i've made it through. and KSP turns out to be my best honeymoon ever. before my REAL honeymoon nanti la. hehehe.
and yes, egypt, is the best thing that ever happened to me.
i was taught to be
takde manja, ngade2, tak-mau-susah punya orang,
a little bit sensible, but still full of emotion,
insyaAllah, by the end of my 6th year, i'll be more sensible than emotional. amin.
and i met lots and lots of wonderful people there. :)
mama once quoted :
"enjoy your campus life. it's the best stage in someone's life"
oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i'm enjoying it alhamdulillah.
and in the end, i've learned to be moderate in whatever you do. you can always have high expectations and ambition, but if YOU don't meet your demands, then just let it go. it's meant to be. and you'll find out that, the things you hate most at first, will eventually be something that you really treasure for life. :)
"..boleh jadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu, padahal itu baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu tidak menyukai sesuatu, padahal itu tidak baik bagimu. Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." - surah al-Baqarah [2:216]
(baik2 hur. ko tu sume benda ko tak suka, sume ko dapat. nanti, kene kawen paksa ke lepas tu cakap "tak nak , tak nak. tak nak kawen ngn dia". pastu sekali jadi hubby yang paling you lovey dovey, nak berkepit je, baru tau.) - kata2 seseorang anonymous.and i know i have a long way to go. and every steps of the way will teach me how to be a better khalifah., insyaAllah. because, orang selalu cakap, "hur ni baik laaa... auww..." well, you dont want to know about my past. but then again, a past, is a past. not something to dwell on so much. just something to look upon, for future references.
terima kasih adik2 smk putrajaya 1, presint 8. all the best in your future undertaking,
terima kasih juga kepada waney and the geng, kerana sudi menjemput saya menjadi sebahagian dari program ini. eceh.
p/s: bila fikir balik, once dah dapat medik ni, rasa macam take things for granted la plak. dulu, kemain lagi, nak 4 flat la, apa kejadah sume. sekarang ni, mentang2 dah mmg amik medik. haiyo hur, work harder. :P
Thursday, February 17, 2011
cik adik mANIS
and anis's birthday 2011, is missing in action. haihh.
takpe, ada rezeki, ada la kan :) insyaAllah
Happy birthday anis mok mok,
i wish all your dreams will come true,
and may Allah always show you the right path,
and give you what's best always.
in sunshine or rain,
housemates, or not housemates,
single or married,
i hope you'll cherish every moment that we had,
and also the ones that we will have insyaAllah :)
Friday, February 11, 2011
it comes to an end finally. or not.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
please be safe, dear alex.
dear alex,
please be safe.
i dont believe in love at first sight. but i have to admit, i have fallen for you the minute i set my eyes on the mesmerizing ocean of yours.
sometimes we do have our ups and downs.
i may not like the way of some of your people cheating me. because the only thing that i can't accept in this world are lies.
you might not be very good in certain kind of things.
you might not be the best in everything.
but i love you just the way you are.
i love some of your people who have been very kind to me in these passed few years.
i felt that they really treat me like a "Hoor" for they are the ones that really know the meaning to my name.
most of all, i love the way you emphasize islam in most of the aspects in your people's lives. islam dissolves in your surrounding atmosphere. not everyone, but most of them.
the calming effect of the sound of your adzhan,
the video tape of ayat-ayat al-quran in almost all of your taxi's cars,
people praying everywhere, whether on streets, or even at the beach.
i am just not ready yet to part with you. just not now.
dear mr mubarak, please, just give up,
i want my beloved alex back.
i want egypt to become not as before, but better.
please alex, be safe.
i want to set my eyes on your mesmerizing ocean again.
i am praying for the best, not only for you and me, but for the rest of the world, which i think is in a deep chaos here and there right now. insyaAllah.
p/s: i love you alex :(
please be safe.
i dont believe in love at first sight. but i have to admit, i have fallen for you the minute i set my eyes on the mesmerizing ocean of yours.
sometimes we do have our ups and downs.
i may not like the way of some of your people cheating me. because the only thing that i can't accept in this world are lies.
you might not be very good in certain kind of things.
you might not be the best in everything.
but i love you just the way you are.
i love some of your people who have been very kind to me in these passed few years.
i felt that they really treat me like a "Hoor" for they are the ones that really know the meaning to my name.
most of all, i love the way you emphasize islam in most of the aspects in your people's lives. islam dissolves in your surrounding atmosphere. not everyone, but most of them.
the calming effect of the sound of your adzhan,
the video tape of ayat-ayat al-quran in almost all of your taxi's cars,
people praying everywhere, whether on streets, or even at the beach.
i am just not ready yet to part with you. just not now.
dear mr mubarak, please, just give up,
i want my beloved alex back.
i want egypt to become not as before, but better.
please alex, be safe.
i want to set my eyes on your mesmerizing ocean again.
i am praying for the best, not only for you and me, but for the rest of the world, which i think is in a deep chaos here and there right now. insyaAllah.
p/s: i love you alex :(

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