Sunday, November 30, 2008


chatted wif zarwah, my cuz aritu,,

zarwah mohd: hey kak hur
ah mohd: what's up?
zarwah m
ohd: how's it coming there?
hUr: things r fine here
hUr: mkin sjukkk
zarwah mohd: awesome
zarwah mohd: is it a blizzard or what?
hUr: no la
hUr: it's not even snowing here
hUr: it's just dat dy brangin
hUr: huhu

ain't it funny,,when i told ppl dat cny da stat sjuk,, all of em wil think of snow,,ahaha,,
i wish.....huhu.

zarwah mohd: anyway kak hur tggl alone ke ataupun ade roomate?
hUr: i haf rumates
hUr: we're living in this bgunan mara
hUr: nxt yr bru dok umah sndri
zarwah mohd: ramai ke yg live in there?
hUr: but then we share lyke 22 ppl in one level
hUr: it's lyke an apartment la
hUr: so my room haf 4 ppl
zarwah mohd: is that good or bad?
hUr: haha
hUr: dpends la
hUr: there are pros n cons
zarwah mohd: that sounds nasty
zarwah mohd: hehehe
hUr: lyke if u masak u haf to msak for 22 ppl
hUr: we haf schedule
hUr: so i haf to lyke masak once a week forr 22 ppl
hUr: wif my othr 2 fwens la

ttbe msuk bab masak2 lak..ny yg lmah ni..huhuhu

zarwah mohd: oooooo
zarwah mohd: that sounds sweet
zarwah mohd: i love cooking
zarwah mohd: so i don't mind cooking
hUr: then u come n live wif me
hUr: then i dun haf to masak
hUr: sumtymes we run out of recipes
hUr: bosan asik mkn bnde yg sme
hUr: want 2 try sumthing dfference
hUr: haf any sggstiON?
zarwah mohd: falafel
zarwah mohd: good stuff
zarwah mohd: hehe
hUr: hey
hUr: how did u noe bout dat??
hUr: u've been here ea??

ttbe ckp psl falafel plak....

zarwah mohd: NO LAH!!!
zarwah mohd: i had that when i was in uk
hUr: vry popular dat thing kt cny
zarwah mohd: it was nice
zarwah mohd: i never get bord eeating that thing
hUr: huhu
hUr: come here then
zarwah mohd: kak hur
zarwah mohd: if i have wings i'd already be there
zarwah mohd: i don'
hUr: wish i can give u wings
zarwah mohd: ryte
hUr: i wish all of us haf wings
hUr: so i can go bck to mlysia whenever i want

yup..i wish,,,,,

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