Wednesday, July 13, 2011

kelapa sawit.

bukak message fb. tiba-tiba someone send me a message:


ok, risau. sgt.

terus call, and she said.
"takde pape pon. saje je. boring. Kakhur cepat balik malaysia. Jemput Najah from ladang kelapa sawit ni".

"kenapa plak ni? boring sgt ke kmb?" I said

then she replied;
"ala. semua org mcm robot"

haha. reminds me when i first masuk mrsm muar. yup. it was like hostel all over again. and seriously, who likes routine life. definitely not me.

Hang in there Najah, baru 3 minggu duduk sana. You'll get used to it lama2. Once you find something interesting to do , you'll be enjoying your stay there. well, at least kmb is not that boring. haha. Oh, and happy doing all the assignments. 2 years is not that long kannn. :P Besides, you have lots of fun fun friends over there kan.

p/s: don't worry, once i'm home we'll have some fun insyaAllah.

naughty girl growing up so fastt.
another muslimah doctor is in the making, InsyaAllah :)


  1. ive been there so many times.. memang bosan pun. the people there pegang buku, masuk kelas, kuar kelas, gi makan kat kantin, balik bilik, study, bla bla bla.. haha tak macam kat KSP.. LOL

    btw najah, biasa la.. hidup memang macam ni.. kalau nak senang, kene susah dulu.. kalau nak fly gi oversea, kene masuk tempat banyak 'robot.. :)

  2. haha. dengar cakap kak anis. sangat matang dan berwibawa. auuww. haha.

    betul la anis. ksp tak cmtu. kita dulu honeymooonn haha. :P

    takpe, no pain no gain. ala, diorg tu pun takde la robot sgt pun. manusia biasa je tu :P

  3. slmt bjaya menggapai impian =)
